Essays and Assignments
Creative Projects
INGL 3205 Characteristics of Grammar
INGL 4327: Young Adult Literature
INGL-3221 Introduction to Literature I
EDFU 4019: Fundamentos Filosóficos de la Educación
TEED 3008: Utilización de Recursos Audiovisuales en la Educación
TEED 4020: Computer Assisted Instruction
INCO 4025: Technical Report Writing
INGL 3425: Teaching Writing Activity
INGL 3201: Grammar, Composition and Reading I
INGL-3231: Advanced Writing
EDFU 3017: Evaluation of Learning at the Secondary Level
TEED 3035: Integration of Telecommunications in the Classroom
EDPE-4005: Seminar and Curriculum of Learning at the Secondary Level
TEED 4018: Introduction to Computers in Education
EDFU 3001: Human Growth and Development I
EDFU 3002: Human Growth and Development II
EDFU 3007: Sociological Foundations of Education
INGLÂ 3227: Phonetics
INGL 4205: Introduction to Linguistic Theory
EDES 4006: Exceptional Students
EDES 3205: Technological Assistance for Special Education
EDPE 4245: Methodology in TESOL - Secondary Level
EDPE 4246: TESOL Clinical Practice- Secondary Level
Teaching Philosophy
These are some of my written assignments. Although they are not perfect there is always room for improvement.The first file was created at the beginning of my first year and the second file was created at the end of my second year.